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Postwar by Tony Judt

I’m in the process of reading this book, Post War by Tony Judt. It is incredible in its scope and coverage of economics/politics/government structures/“key figures”/culture of post war Europe w some important context on colonies/world events/US relations/influence. Have either of you read this book or a similar book? What are your thoughts on it if you have or if you might have similar sounding book recs would appreciate hearing them. I ask because only direct quotes are cited in this book and it has no bibliography or citations for facts/figures.


Hi Guys, I am curious if consider yourself youtubers, and you follow any youtubers outside of the political ones?


Hi Saagar & Marshall During the live show you at in Atlanta, Kyle was saying the solution to the college solution is Nationalization. Could we get a guest in the future to discuss the history of nationalization and why it was done, how it is was done. Feel a lot of people just throw around that action. Without thinking about the second & third order effects. As a Nigerian living in the UK, the UK has wide history of nationalization and privatization of industries so maybe you can look towards there for some inspiration. Also maybe potential episode about democracy, (sounds very cringe ) or maybe you can give me some book recommendation. As a history fan and I know you guys are also. I am thinking about how we got to the american constitution, & inspiration from the British, Roman and Greeks Hopefully next live show you have, i will plan to fly out to the US. Love you guys work, keep up the good work.


Hi Saagar & Marshall During the live show you at in Atlanta, Kyle was saying the solution to the college solution is Nationalization. Could we get a guest in the future to discuss the history of nationalization and why it was done, how it is was done. Feel a lot of people just throw around that action. Without thinking about the second & third order effects. As a Nigerian living in the UK, the UK has wide history of nationalization and privatization of industries so maybe you can look towards there for some inspiration. Also maybe potential episode about democracy, (sounds very cringe ) or maybe you can give me some book recommendation. As a history fan and I know you guys are also. I am thinking about how we got to the american constitution, & inspiration from the British, Roman and Greeks Hopefully next live show you have, i will plan to fly out to the US. Love you guys work, keep up the good work.


Where would you fit conservative post-liberals (like Deneen, Vermeule, etc.) within the landscape of the emerging New Right? Has liberalism failed? Any sympathies or misgivings for their vision of a post-liberal political order?