Ask Me Anything

with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Main Character Energy

Marshall, during the SotU coverage you mentioned that Marjorie Taylor Greene has more "main character energy" than Kirsten Sinema. Aside from her likelihood of being hit by Imperial Stormtroopers, what do you mean by "main character energy"?

Comparing FDR and Donald Trump

Donald Trump's political success has been partially attributed to his ability to reach the public directly through his Tweets, bypassing gatekeepers in the media etc. This reminded me of the "fireside chats" that FDR delivered by radio during his presidency. What do you think? Was FDR the predecessor to Donald Trump for connecting with voters directly or was FDR more closely related with modern political podcast hosts such as yourselves while Trump was merely Commander in Chief of the Internet Trolls?

Is Lina Khan Pushing Too Hard

In a lot of recent episodes Lina Khan has been mentioned as a government official who displays productive energy and initiative. Last week Christine Wilson submitted an op-ed to the WSJ about why she is resigning as an FTC Commissioner. What do you think about Wilson's criticism that Khan has disregarded the rule of law and due process in her role as FTC chairman? More broadly, do you think action-oriented politicians/bureaucrats should be wary of "moving fast and breaking things" because there are certain things public servants should be expected not to break?

Congrats on getting Engaged Saagar!

Can't help notice after all the Euro hate you purposed in London! What gives? Seriously though congrats, looking forward to the wedding?

Do you moderate your own social media consumption, and if so, how do you do it?

I am born in 1994, so my adolescence happened during the heyday of the emergence of social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. in the early 2010s. When I was teenager, I had completely unfettered access and use of social media (mostly Facebook, then later Instagram) which was a habit I maintained until around 2018. From that point onward, I deleted all social media from my phone except YouTube, and only access them from my desktop computer in a highly regimented and controlled manner. This has been extremely beneficial for my mental health, self confidence, anxiety, and self image, but sometimes I do have occasional relapses and reinstall Instagram on my phone again, or by replying to people on Reddit. Then eventually I have a horrible interaction with some nut on the internet, curse myself, and uninstall them again. I was wondering, as online creators, your businesses and careers depend on using social media. So what is your social media consumption like? Which platforms do you use, and how much do you use them? What kinds of barriers and rules do you setup for yourselves when using them? Do you have unfettered consumption, is it highly regimented, is it somewhere in between? By the way, a good book on this topic but also on the topic of addiction more broadly is Dopamine Nation by Anna Lembke.