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with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Are you working on a book?

Are either of you guys working on a book right now? Will you be in the future? If you could write any book you wanted what would it be?

Realignment Requests

I had a couple of requests for topics I believe would be interesting for the show: Would you entertain having an Austrian/Chicagoan/Randian economist to balance the heavy Keynesian-rooted economists that you have had on the podcast? This could be regarding any sort of topic, from school choice to healthcare to monetary policy. Also, the right (GOP, influenced by Trump, JD Vance, etc) has been moving, in many respects, to the left (statist) on economics, would you be able to have someone on the show, from the free market right, to discuss the movement away from fusionism, or fusionism as a whole? I tried my best to cover my libertarian (small L) tone, but I fear the term "statist" lets it show through.

Gov. Burgum Energy Policy Episode & Saagar's Thoughts

Good afternoon M&S, Firstly, I just noticed the new logo; very sharp. It's a subtle change, but it's class. (For what it's worth full disclosure, I am personal family friends with the Burgum family and have known the governor my entire life.) This is a two-part question. The first question is simple, Marshall, will you be interviewing Gov. Doug Burgum? I really enjoyed your interviews when talking about energy policy; Doug being from North Dakota, has probably the most energy-related experience amongst the candidates. I think the interview would be quality, and would love to hear you get into the weeds. The second question is for Saagar. Saagar, what did you think of the Governor's perspective on energy? It wasn't a huge part of the interview because it was gotten to via your question about the Ukraine, but it seemed like it intrigued you. Can you expand on your thoughts, if any were sparked? Best to both of you. Come host a show in Philly!

Is Saagar still part of the Realignment?

Purely out of curiousity, is Saagar still part of the Realignment podcast? He is always on the Q&A's but he hasn't been part of any of the interview episodes for what feels like several weeks.


Does it matter if we are past the era of Neoliberalism or not? Why does this topic matter? If we are past neoliberalism, how does that change our conception of modern politics? And is it even true that we're past neoliberalism in an American context, when it seems that roughly half or more of the Republican party still ascribes to Reagan-era economic policy?