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with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Is Vivek a vibes candidate?

The realignment has long preached the importance of vibes. During this republican primary I think that importance has been reafirmed. Desantis simply has bad vibes, whereas it feels as though Vivek has much better vibes. Whenever I here Vivek talk I find myself liking him and thinking I agree with him, but once I pause and think about it for a second I realize that maybe abolishing the FBI isn't the best idea. Do you agree that the rise of Vivek and the fall of Desantis has been driven primarily by vibes and how do you feel vibes have been affecting the campaign overall?

Make Politicians Funny Again

Hi Guys, I miss when presidents were witty with their jokes, I recall that Regan had notes of jokes to say. With that in mind I am curious on how you would make a President more fun. I feel like politicians actually avoid being relatable to normal people at times. I used to find Trump funny, but now I am kind of over it. Especially after all that's come out over him.

Follow-up questions on Sohrab Ahmari interview

Maybe I need to read Sohrab Ahmari's book to better understand his takes, but I found his critiques of classical liberalism to be over-simplified. First, he seems to be ignoring obvious differences between global trade during the New Deal era versus today, as if offshoring has never been a thing. At the very least, shouldn't he acknowledge this reality of global trade? Second, he dunks on "the small time rich" or "regional capital", but does he honestly think these businesses pose a "threat of private tyranny"? In reality, the "regional tire distribution" guy plays a more active role in the local community and economy than an Amazon distribution center down the road. Would we be better off with a tire distribution monopoly? His "private tyranny" argument is much more convincing, to both sides of the aisle, when it is focused on topics like big business and regulatory capture. What do you guys think?

Title 9

Hi Guys, I work for a public school in Ohio and had to do my yearly trainings, one if them included Title 9 which I heard was controversial, and after taking the training I don't get what's so bad seems common sense stuff. My boss the Assistant Superintendent is the Title 9 contact for the district and I bluntly asked him what the drama was and was told "Title 9 means we cant discriminate against children for Gender, Race, etc". I don't get what's bad about this, even if I don't buy the whole gender identity issue I still don't think a school should discriminate against a child and deny an education and receive Tax funding.

Messing with AI

Hi Guys, Curious if you have dabbled into AI Generation? There are a lot of productivity ones I could imagine Saagar using. What's your take on AI? With the amount coming out it's starting to have the Crypto NFT vibe with how easily everyone is making them. Example Buzzfeed has a cooking assistant AI