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Aristocratic Political Families

There is a history in the US and in many countries around the world of electing a person and then later re-electing members of that politicians family, e.g. Teddy Roosevelt and FDR, George Bush Sr and George W Bush, etc. As I said, this happens in other countries too, Justin Trudeau's father was a famous Canadian prime minister. Why does this happen? Isn't the entire point of modern democracy to move past the aristocratic politics of the pre-enlightenment era? Why do political dynasties still exist in the modern era, despite the contradictions between a political dynasty and a democratic, non-monarchical country?

Re: Aristocratic Political Families

I am surprised that you both seemed pretty pro having political families. It just sounds like a monarchy with extra steps. If I am upset already at our aging geriatric Congress what makes you think having their younger relatives with the same beliefs and a facelift Make it any better? I did not realize that politics is genetic now