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with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Aristocratic Political Families

There is a history in the US and in many countries around the world of electing a person and then later re-electing members of that politicians family, e.g. Teddy Roosevelt and FDR, George Bush Sr and George W Bush, etc. As I said, this happens in other countries too, Justin Trudeau's father was a famous Canadian prime minister. Why does this happen? Isn't the entire point of modern democracy to move past the aristocratic politics of the pre-enlightenment era? Why do political dynasties still exist in the modern era, despite the contradictions between a political dynasty and a democratic, non-monarchical country?

Re: Aristocratic Political Families

I am surprised that you both seemed pretty pro having political families. It just sounds like a monarchy with extra steps. If I am upset already at our aging geriatric Congress what makes you think having their younger relatives with the same beliefs and a facelift Make it any better? I did not realize that politics is genetic now

Preferred Conflict Analysis Scale?

When considering a conflict, what is your preferred scale of analysis? Do you focus primarily on individual civilians, zoom out to national leaders, broaden further to encompass the country as a whole, or take a global perspective?

How Do Viewers Access News: Platforms vs. Traditional Sources

In Saagar's recent Breaking Points poll, when respondents mentioned watching news, do you believe they primarily access it directly through platforms like TikTok, or do you think they are more inclined to follow alternative news sources such as Breaking Points or other smaller creators who offer a filtered reaction to mainstream news? Does consuming CNN on platforms like TikTok still qualify as consuming traditional news sources?

Digital Libertarian

In the digital age, with increasing reliance on the internet, is proficiency in technical skills such as installing apps without using official stores, understanding data tracking methods, and monitoring web access beneficial or necessary for individuals who value digital autonomy and privacy?