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with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Great Q&A and Debate

I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed listening to you both debate US policy towards Israel. It was really refreshing because I don't usually hear Marshall talk about his views on this war, and also because you both come from different perspectives on it. I come out on Saagar's side of the debate but listening to you both articulate your views and debate it was very enjoyable.

World War 1 Recommendations

Hey guys, As a fellow history enthusiast, I was wondering if you have any recommendations for World War 1 documentaries? While there are numerous docuseries on WW2, it feels like WW1 doesn’t get as much coverage. After watching All Quiet on the Western Front, my interest in learning more about The Great War has been piqued, but I’m having trouble finding quality content on the subject. Would really appreciate any suggestions!

Why do the Democrats have George Clooney and Julia Roberts in their campaign emails?

I received an email from the Jill Biden on behalf of the democrats with the title "You haven’t entered the “Premiere Night with the Presidents” contest -- $25 could change that". I should unsubscribe to these emails but I'm just reading them now since they're so shockingly bad. In this email, the Democrats are trying to encourage me to donate 25 dollars in order be entered into a lottery to meet George Clooney and Julia Roberts. I understand that I may not be the target audience (I'm 31 years old), but it still seems crazy to try and get people to donate by offering a "raffle" and the chance to meet some celebrities. I can't share the email here but here is the gist. The one in my inbox has a pic of Obama, George and Julia as well. Have you ever seen a tactic like this?

Listener crossover

Listener Crossover Marshall, Sagar, do you have any means of analyzing your listener crossover with other podcasts? If so, what has this data taught you about your audience, and has it affected your content? For instance, Marshall, I would guess that a lot of your subscribers also subscribe to Hardore History, Dishcast, and Tyler Cowen like I do, but maybe I'm wrong? Thanks so much, Josh in Oregon

Wrong Demographic Activated in Elections?

With the recent European Parliamentary elections, many in particularly France, Italy, Germany, and Austria are surprised by the rightward shift of the electorate. This is especially true of white men (but also some women). The parties with the "right" label who did so well are all prominently pro Israel and outspoken in being what in Europe amounts to "pro-Jewish." Some analysts have now claimed that the left's obsession with Palestine has actually turned around on them in Europe and white men have reacted by voting for what they perceive as more pro-Jewish or pro-Israel parties as either an F-you to the minority vote or because of the association of pro-Palestine movements in Europe with radicalism and violence. Do you think this has any credence? Do you believe something similar could happen in the US with white middle class voters who are pro-Israel to at least some extent? Thanks! Jesse