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with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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I do not get the nicknames

Maybe it's the bad ones he's coming up with for Kamala, but I did not get the whole fascination with nicknames Is it the fact that these politicians have built up their careers just to be turned down by a simple nickname? It just feels very middle school to me

Have conservatives gone to woke for normies?

I was having a conversation with some of my more conservative friends and they are now more aware of every term that liberals used to be the only ones aware of. They are now aware of every microaggression and term used and I roll my eyes in the same way when liberals used to talk the same. To me anti-woke is just as cringe as woke is.

Book Recommendations on Economics

Are there any books you could recommend that would help a layperson become more literate regarding economic theories that come up in political discussions? What is meant by terms like supply-side economics, demand-side economics, Keynsian economics, industrial policy, etc? What factions in the US have been pushing which economic theories, how have they shaped history, and how do they help us better understand the current moment? Basically I want a better chance to tell when I'm being fed a line of bullshit when I hear things like Libertarians criticizing fiat currency, or Republicans explaining how tax cuts for the rich create a tide that raises all boats, or progressives arguing that economic recessions and depressions are proof that we should ditch capitalism?

Saagar on The Obergefell ruling

Saagar called the Obergefell ruling "a huge mistake" on The Monday episode of breaking points. Can you elaborate? Is it a "States rights" thing?

Tim Waltz

I know nothing of Tim waltz aside from the fact that he called them weird, is a former military, former school teacher ad coach, and a small town guy, right up my alley. I work for a public school, I've said that I'll support a candidate who was in the military, and I live in a super small town where the audience for our parades is so low because everyone is in them. What are the big things to know?