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with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Think Tank way of talking

With all of the stories of the discussions that JD Vance has had in the past I'm curious if this is a result of him being part of think tanks where I imagine you guys mostly sit around and talk like this. "Postmenopausal women", "childless women" The part that gets me is that both of you are able to still talk and relay things normally despite being part of that world. Is this the way discussions happen at think tanks?

Independent Media Accountability

Hi Guys, With both of you being Independent Online pundits I was curious on your view around accountability. Post Mr.Beast \ Dr. Disrespect \ even Drake people can get exposed for some disgusting stuff and still have fans that support them financially. In a classic production if some star got exposed they would be terminated as part of a company, forced off the show, essentially shunned. What are the ramifications for getting things wrong in the independent news sphere?

Kamala & Congress

How much of Kamala's Platform relies on congress getting together to pass a bill to her desk vs her ability to do it with executive powers? I believe having a % for each candidates platform would be useful for planning, curious on this for Trump as well

How was the DNC / Chicago?

Saagar, How was visiting Chicago / the DNC? You've alluded to a lot of drama that happened behind the scenes. Were you in the creator section? How was it over there if you were? A lot of zoomers? And how was the bar stool office? Did it get you any ideas for your own studio?

Past president interference

With the reports of Trump calling Bibi to talk him out of a ceasefire deal, and the immigration deal as another example. I am curious if there is ever been a past president interfering with the current presidents plans before Trump. Going out and giving speeches is one thing but calling behind the scenes and interrupting policy is a little different to me. I didn't see Obama really interrupt Trump during his presidency, I don't recall much of Bush interfering with Obama.