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with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Future of barstool conservatism in GOP beyond Trump

Do you guys actually think there’s a place for barstool conservatives in GOP coalition beyond Trump? Seeing public disdain for Vance style aggressive social conservatism without Trump’s dark charisma, I’m not so sure other GOP politicians can pull it off.

Where Do You Guys Differ On Israel-Iran Conflict

What’s the best way to handle the upcoming escalation in the ME? What do you guys think about the Iran Deal and Abraham Accords?

Where Do You Guys Differ On Israel-Iran Conflict

What’s the best way to handle the upcoming escalation in the ME? What do you guys think about the Iran Deal and Abraham Accords?

The JD dossier

How do you feel about how the document has been handled? How does this not compare to Hunter Biden, they have similar levels of personal data attached that would constitute doxing.

What will Trump do if he loses?

Do you think Trump will cede defeat if he loses? Do you think he'll do Stop-The-Steal 2.0? What about doing a 2028 run? What signs do you think he's given about what he'll do if he loses?