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with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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What Constitutes Viral?

Hi Guys, What Constitutes something going viral in your eyes? Is it a increase in from normal viewership? Does it take a cultural impact like say Gangnam Style? I often hear people say something went viral and have no idea what they are referencing.

Oct 7th; Purposely ignorant

I have been purposely not trying to learn what happened on October 7th due to the first thing I heard was 40 beheaded babies and it just seemed off to me so I decided to wait. What would you say happened? I know there are hostages, and victims of assault. I have heard more disproved than proved.

Could Vivek Win Ohio?

I live in Ohio and I question if he could win in his own home state. You guys mentioned that winning your own home state is key. In my eyes he is the definition of a all "politics is national".

CES 2024`

Hi guys, Big Techie here and one of the biggest gadget events is going on called CES (Consumer Electronics Show) I am curious if you guys have looked at any of the gadgets, car tech, AI, Automation that comes from the event?

Taiwan presidential election

What do you guys make of the green party winning in the Taiwanese election, they are the anti-China policy and Pro US party. I imagine China's not going to like it