Ask Me Anything

with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Discord - Mini Social Media

I'm curious if either of you have ever used the application discord. I know it's predominant in gaming but I like to think of it as a mini social media network that many different communities can use, for things like crafts, education, debate. It kind of feels like a mix of X, Reddit and Facebook. With less and less people turning to social media I'm curious if more controlled local networks are going to replace big sprawling ones. Do you feel the internet is trending that way?

RE Request: Tech

1. AI, is it the new calculator or closer to a Siri? 2. Deepfakes, in ads, news, propaganda, everything, what's it gonna do long term? 3. An end to the age of free software; with interest rates rising and no more free money it's interesting to see the softwares that once everyone used because they were free and accessible to all are now locking key features behind pay walls.

RE Request: Media

Here are some topics I think would be interesting, I can't recommend people in particular. 1.Are there any shows that "everyone" is watching? I remember as a kid the nation stopping when Nick from CSI got buried alive, are there any shows they can do that again? 2. I think it would be interesting to go deeper into what Matt Damon brought up on hot ones on how DVD sales ending has kind of killed unique movies being made 3. I'm curious on any effort to apply TV standards to the internet. I used to work in film and there were a lot of stipulations around child labor and I'm curious how if at all YouTube applies that to child influencers.

GOP Losing Weight

Hi Guys, I am curious if you think the GOP Base lost weight or better put refined down to Trump supporters \ condoners Do you think that the party has lost members? I reflect on my own family with my dad who is a "earn your keep" republican before Trump and how he states he wont vote for him off character, and how now he feels the whole republican party now condones him. To relate it he quiet quit voting for republicans.

Happy Holidays

Before the holiday season kicks off just wanted to say happy holidays to both of you guys and thanks for producing such great content. Both of you exude genuineness and just wanted to say it's very refreshing to watch. Keep up the great work! What are some goals each of you have for your respective shows next year? I'm hoping for some production goals!