Ask Me Anything

with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Best places you've travelled to? Or tell us a good travelling story

I won a few trips recently from my university, which is going to be great since I'm working class and usually can't afford to travel. I was wondering, what is the best place that each of you has travelled to? Or alternatively, just tell the audience a good story from a trip you had.

Political affiliation

Marshall, do you find people constantly labeling you inaccurately one way or another politically? Also, I really appreciate your ability to put on different "hats" when talking to your guests to represent opposing views, regardless of your own perspective. For both of you, do you affiliate yourself with a particular strain of political ideology, politically homeless, or something else? What about your friends? Since the Trump era has begun, I have found myself progressively disenchanted with the two parties and the other "options" like the libertarian and the forward party. And I feel like my friends are feeling similar.

Premium podcast vs substack

As a premium podcast subscriber, does that mean I also have access to the premium substack? Also what are the differences between the two?

Fossil Fuels, Fertilizer, and Food

I've appreciated your content discussing the energy crisis, including a more thorough look into the difficulties eliminating fossil fuels and the future of nuclear power. Another topic that is less often discussed but equally important is the future of agriculture. I may not have this exactly right, but my understanding is that the soil in the all of the world's arable regions cannot sustain the output of foodstuffs required to feed the global population without being constantly replenished with nitrogen etc via fertilizer. The nitrogen used to make fertilizer comes almost exclusively from natural gas and results in carbon emissions. There is a movement going on to replace fertilizers derived from fossil fuels which has led to turmoil and famine in places like Sri Lanka just recently. Would you be interested in interviewing someone knowledgeable about the subject who can shed light on the challenges we are facing here and explain some of the better or worse outcomes we've seen so far and possible paths forward? Bonus points if they can also explain how we're going to deal with emissions from concrete/cement production.

Interviewing Politcians

After listening to your interview of Vivek Ramaswamy, I do think you both did a good job of asking pressing questions, making him answer the questions, and being fair. But I also can't help but find interviews of politicians to be completely pointless overall; there's no analysis being done, we know all of their answers ahead of time, so what's the point? Do you plan on interviewing more politicians in the future? How do you feel about this? I think the audience would be interested to hear you flesh this out.