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with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Realignment Requests

I had a couple of requests for topics I believe would be interesting for the show: Would you entertain having an Austrian/Chicagoan/Randian economist to balance the heavy Keynesian-rooted economists that you have had on the podcast? This could be regarding any sort of topic, from school choice to healthcare to monetary policy. Also, the right (GOP, influenced by Trump, JD Vance, etc) has been moving, in many respects, to the left (statist) on economics, would you be able to have someone on the show, from the free market right, to discuss the movement away from fusionism, or fusionism as a whole? I tried my best to cover my libertarian (small L) tone, but I fear the term "statist" lets it show through.

Are you working on a book?

Are either of you guys working on a book right now? Will you be in the future? If you could write any book you wanted what would it be?

2024 debate pledge

Will a candidate like Vivek make the rest of the field commit to pardoning all J6 defendants at the debates? If not, will there be a similar pledge that the candidates have to take?

Lina Khan

Thoughts on Lina Khan? I recall you both said you liked her energy compared to Buttegieg but I was wondering if you could expand on that a bit.

RFK as a Republican?

If RFK was running as a Republican would he be in 2nd place in the GOP primary? If so, why?