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with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Israel Conflict: Who Represents Europe?

USA has Biden, Russia Putin, China Xing, Israel has Bibi, but who represents all of Europe that Poland / a eastern county can't go against? Macron? Is there a past figure you would have said?

Who is who in the Holy Land?

Could you explain a bit about the differences between Hamas and Hezbollah? Why is this happening in Gaza right now and not in the West Bank? Also, what do you make of the Sunni/Shia dynamic here? I read that most Palestinians are Sunni Muslims. Iran's support for Hamas and Hezbollah seems to contradict the Sunni/Shia polarity present in most geopolitical dynamics in the Middle East. Why does Iran seem more hostile to Israel than Arab nations, despite the history of war between Israel and its Arab neighbors?

Evaluating Civilian Collateral Damage

Love the show! Especially in times like this. Can you provide some nuanced context to the expectations or responsibility on the nation responding to an attack when it comes to civilians. Especially when it is clear that they are being used as human Shields. Any civilian death is tragic but if terrorists get an effective green-light to use them as shields due to maximalist definitions of war crimes it makes a coherent response very difficult. What’s a good framework for understanding what’s too far and what’s just part of conflict? Lastly: Marshall’s wedding tux was elite!

Foreign Policy, Domestic Policy, Why not both?

Why is it that Congress can easily justify billions of dollars to go over seas but can't agree on spending any money at home? The little money that is spent at home is spent on public private partnerships that all seem to make millionaires for the private business owners but rarely achieve the public goals set out by the government. Case in point, Israel spends billions on its defense and supplying a near endless flow of money to the security companies supplying fancy systems but failed to protect thousands from a terrorist organization that lives in third world conditions. Why is it impossible for American leaders to spend money on Americans, at least Americans under the age of 65?

Failure of Intelligence?

Hi, I often hear Israeli is the gold standard of intelligence & defensive capabilities (e.g. Pegasus & Iron dome). Do the recent attacks highlight the limitations intelligence & defensive capabilities in general? Thanks, Anon