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with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Opinion on the All In Podcast

What are your general thoughts on the All In podcast. It seems like Marshall in particular has a lot of thoughts about it and I'm interested in hearing his full take on it.

Israel Conflict: How much does Religion Factor, Pt2

Hi guys, With the updates around a "Holy War" I am curious if your views have changed in regards to how much religion impacts this conflict.

Domestic: Tuberville Promotions

Hi guys, What are your thoughts on the current drama around military promotions with senator Tuberville.

One Year Out

Hi guys with almost one year out until the election, let's get some predictions going. This could be goofy or serious but what do you predict over the next year. I feel like similar to 2020 most people's decisions are already made on who they're voting for. A lot has happened since votes were cast last November 2020. I predict the closer we get to election the more Democrats will run on abortion, and based on how that's been working it'll drive turnout.

It's the kids who are wrong

Hi guys, Fellow 30-year-old here and I'm starting to feel the effects of being older. I'm curious what are some things you just don't get that the youth are into.