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with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Keystone Pipeline and Energy Independence

I work at a gas station. When gas went below a dollar a gallon in 2020, I told customers it was due to and oil war between Russia and Saudi Arabia, where Saudi Arabia essentially flooded the market with oil. I said that combined with the record low demand in gas, means the price collapsed. I haven’t been able to find a way to easily explain what’s going on now, because I thinks it’s disingenuous to simply say “the president doesn’t control gas prices” when I see how this is impacting people every day. Seems that a lot of people come to the conclusion that before Biden, we were “energy independent”, meaning we just used the oil we produced, but as far as I understand that’s not true. Energy Independence is when our exports outpace our imports. People say now that we don’t have the keystone pipeline, we are no longer energy independent, and have to rely on others places for oil. How much has Biden’s decision on the keystone pipeline impacted the price of gas? Did that decision end our energy independence? If trump won in 2020, what would the price at the pump be right now?

A thought on Peter Leyden

After listening to Mr. Leyden's framework description of where he sees America going, I felt he over estimated loyalty to Democrats. He sets up well by listing everything the Republicans do wrong but then shrugs his shoulders and says Americans will just monolithically go to the Democratic party. I think a basic analysis of current popular ideas in both parties will show that whichever party is believed to support where the majority of Americans are culturally wins. This explains a lot of the changes in both parties and the backlash against historical party stances. I would love to hear further discussion on this.

USA Data Rights

Hi Marshall and Saagar, I work in IT and I was curious on both your views on data rights in the USA, would you like something similar to the EU with the GDPR? What would you want to see if anything? I feel as though so many people just hit "I agree" on the terms of service without actually knowing where or how their data is used.

Social Conservatives vs Social Libertarian

Hi guys, I am curious your thoughts on Social Conservatism in 2022, To me it seems more like Social Libertarianism than anything Conservative in values it is take as anti woke now. Example Portnoy is considered Socially Conservative but is Pro Choice.

Biden 2024

There have been many obvious comparisons between Biden and Carter this year. Do you think after 2024 we may be comparing him to McGovern?