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with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Saagar's Graduate Studies

Hey guys, I greatly appreciate the work you all are doing! I wondered if Saagar could talk a little more about his graduate studies. I am finishing a master's program and am considering an additional graduate degree. My course of study is predominantly in national security/defense policy, and I would like to hear Saagar's perspective on his degree.

If not sanctions, if not war, then what?

Saagar and Krystal seem to be full bore on the train of sanctions against Russia was a bad idea, going to war with Russia would be a bad idea, putting troops in Ukraine would be a bad idea, allowing Ukraine into nato would be a bad idea, allowing Ukraine into the EU would be a bad idea. So what are THE good idea? It is easy to criticize, but what I don't hear is any kind of "If I were President, I would do this." or "The best option is xyz."

Gas Cards?

Why couldn’t the government give people a debit card they can use on gas? In it’s most simple form, it could be just a regular debit card with a certain amount of money on it to be used at gas stations. What do you think about a system where people can apply for a government credit card, that then sends them a scheduled fuel bill with most of the cost covered by the government. So for example, if you spent $400 on gas on the card, you’d get a bill from the government for $100. It could also be means tested.

Single issue

Which single specific issue, one you disagree on, would each of you be most proud of convincing the other to agreed to?

Most contentious issue

What is the single specific issue Marshall and Saagar disagreed about most contentiously?