Ask Me Anything

with The Realignment [Premium Podcast]

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Favorite Fictional President

Who is your favorite President from a TV or Movie, What is it about them you like? Which fictional president do you think we could use right now and why would they be effective?

BP Focus Group - Marshall's Take

Hi Marshall, I was curious on our takes for the BP focus groups. Was it as expected? Were you surprised at all? Saagar, What would you say has been the most surprising take you got from the groups?

Israel Conflict: What does Congressional Aid do?

Hi guys, With Congress locked without a speaker and not able to authorize aid, I am do not know what the difference between Israel with and without US aid is. What does aid entail with Israel? What is going to drastically change if congress were to authorize aid? With Ukraine I understood they were a weak country but in my eyes Israel has been used to skirmishes and has US aid already.

Spring DC Visit

Hi Guys, I'll be chaperoning a school trip in the spring to DC. During the little free time I'll have do you have any recommendations for unique spots? I have been visited DC a few times, and we'll hit all the major landmarks for the tours, I am curious about your recommendations for food / unique spots to hit up.

GOP: Behind Closed Doors

Hi Guys, I genuinely have no idea what goes on behind the closed doors when the GOP gets together for their vote. Is it at house of cards levels? Have you heard anything from your contacts? Not asking for details but is it as crazy as a TV show.